Thursday 19 June 2014

Pièces de Clavecin - Fiocco - Balbastre

Fiocco is another very gifted composer whose early death impeded his name be spread all around as is dued. But sometimes fortune plays in our favor, which in this case was the lucky printed of his suites for harpsichord. In this suites, Fiocco stands out his musical skills by flawless writing in both styles, french and Italian, and in some movements combining them as in the Gigue of the second suite.

There are also four pieces for harpsichord of Calude-Bénigne Balbastre, also a gifted musician and also a virtuoso in the organ and harpsichord, that unlike Fiocco, he lived a quite longer.

Enjoy :)


  1. Merci,j’adore le clavecin... Ce serait une excellente idée que vous fassiez un spécial clavecin. Il a tellement de belles musiques qui a été composer pour cet instrument...

  2. Je te fairais plaisir avec les suivantes deux posts! J'en suis sure que si vous aimiez le clavecin, vous avez dejá ecouté quelques ouvres de Bach comme les fameux "Goldberg Variatios". Demain je les postairais. Cèst une version fantastique, la meilleur que j'ais ecoutais de tous. Aussi il y aura trois ouvres de plus.

  3. Very nice share, many thanks!
